Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Colouring In

Have you heard of this? I saw it on Christina's blog on Monday and came over all warm fuzzies at the thought of it - I love a good collaboration, I really do.

Screen shot 2011-02-02 at 11.15.48 AM

A band called Bright Knights is putting together a music video for one of their songs and have invited the world to help by downloading individual frames and colouring them in. Need I say more?

So excuse me while I scribble away at the dining table for a few minutes and occasionally giggle with excitement about seeing the finished video.

Go to the Drawing This Love site to join the fun.


Christina Lowry said... Reply to comment

It's a fantastic project, isn't it? I need to get my finished frame uploaded so that I can do another one.


PS. Thanks for the mention too.