
Hello, I'm Elizabeth, thanks for visiting.

Caravan is an independent label run by me, from my home studio in Australia.

I design and make a range of children's clothes, soft toys, items for parents, and a small body range. I sell at my online etsy shop and local markets. Caravan is available for wholesale and consignment negotiations.

Having a background in creative design and garment construction, I founded Caravan in 2009, near Byron Bay, Australia, out of dreams of owning my own creative business, and looking for unique clothes for the children in my life. Shortly after, we packed up house and moved all the way to Sydney; where Caravan is based for now.

I have a great love of vintage fabrics and design; from which I draw much of my inspiration. My designs are also inspired by Australian folk culture of the 60’s and 70’s, organic lifestyle practices, and memories from my own childhood of lying in the grass on long summer days, staying in mismatched holiday homes, and playing in tree houses.

I strongly believe in the importance of an organic lifestyle, and the underlying practices it entails. Caravan, as an extension of my own philosophies, has, at it’s core, the principles of repurposing, reducing waste, working towards a small eco footprint, and the choice to use natural products