Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Creative Space

Most of this week's creative energy has been held against it's will and only allowed out for the express purposes of business card design and compliancy efforts and label ordering and other such nonsense. I'll be glad when this part of re-opening the shop is over.

If there's any creative urge left by Saturday I plan on channelling it into the garden, but probably not before trying my hand at this retro sun hat pattern, which was gifted to me along with these fabric scraps, by my sister in law earlier in the week. I love gifts like this the most of all.

gifted fabrics

The weather's warming up more now, and the humidity is rising. I'm sure in a few weeks time when it's much hotter and the humidity becomes stifling, I will eat these words; but for now I am loving the smell of the evening rain on hot earth and the fresh, dewy kind of anticipation in the air through the days.
It reminds me of home.

Beautiful spaces here x


Jetta's Nest said... Reply to comment

Mmmm, loving those fabrics a lot!!

Chantal said... Reply to comment

Really love the print on the left with the blues and purples!

elizabeth said... Reply to comment

@Jetta's Nest Yes aren't they great! They're a very welcome addition to the stash!

elizabeth said... Reply to comment

@Chantal I love that one too - in all it's faded glory. It's quite a small scrap, really, which makes me cherish it all the more - not sure whether I'll bring myself to cutting it up!